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Informative use of cookies

The following information regarding the use of cookies on this website is for the user to implement the measures of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (8 May 2014) «Identification of simplified modalities for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies» and in compliance with art. 13 Code for the Protection of Personal Data», EU 2016/679 Regulation.

Italian Hospitality Collection Spa
Subject to the direction and coordination of ITA Hotel Investments Holdco 2 S.à r.l.
Via Messina 38 Torre C, 20154 Milano — Italy
Capitale sociale € 1.068.045 i.v. | C.F. e P.IVA 03212990927
Website manager and Controller of the processing of personal data connected to it.

Any further requests regarding the use of cookies in this website may be sent to the following email address: privacy@ihchotels.it.

Use the above address to write to in order to exercise the rights provided by the code in favour of the person concerned, and to ask for the updated list of those responsible for the processing that may be designated.

DPO (Data Protection Officer)
The Controller has engaged the Data Protection Officer: company S.Schmidt Consulting Srls, with registered office in via D. Creti 69 / 2f Bologna, who can be contacted via email at dpo@schmidtconsulting.it.

Nature of the conferment.
The provision of data is automatic. You can disable cookies using your browser.

Purpose of the treatment.
Technical navigation features and specific actions of the various cookies as reported in «What cookies are used on this site»

Methods for data processing.
The collected data will be processed using computer tools.
Appropriate security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or inappropriate use and unauthorized access.

Retention period of your data.
Cookie retention time varies according to the type of membership. It can be for session time, daily, weekly and up to a year or two at most. This time specification can be found either in the specific policies of third-party cookies or in the description of the cookies installed below.

Your right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority is reserved.

Rights of interested parties pursuant to Article 15 EU 2016/679
You have the right to be aware of whether or not the processing of personal data referring to you is underway, and, if so,to have information regarding:

  • the purposes of the processing;
  • the categories of data in question;
  • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be communicated, in particular if recipients are of third countries or international organizations;
  • when possible, the retention period of the personal data provided or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine this period;
  • the existence of your right to request the data controller to rectify or delete personal data or limit the processing of personal data concerning you or to oppose its processing;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
  • if the data is not provided by you, all the information available on its origin;
  • the existence of an automated decision-making process, including the profiling referred to in Article 22 (1) and (4) and, at least in such cases, significant information on the logic used, as well as the importance and expected consequences of such processing for the person concerned.

What cookies are used on this site?
Technical cookies are used on this website to ensure the correct use of the content on the site.

The site also allows the use of:
Google Analytics, a third party cookie that provides an anonymous and aggregated analysis about the behaviour of the user on the site itself. For more information on how Google Analytics works, you can consult the Google statement at the following address:

  • http://www.google.it/policies/
  • https://www.google.com/policies/technologies/types/
  • Https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage?hl=it

Vertical Booking, a third party cookie. For information on how this cookie works, you can read more at the following address: http://www.verticalbooking.com/it/cookie_policy.htm

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text strings that a website can send, during navigation, to the user’s device (be it a PC, a notebook, a smartphone, a tablet; they are normally stored directly on the browser used for navigation). The same website that sent them can then read and record the cookies found on the device to obtain information of various kinds.

How many types of cookies exist?
There are two basic macro-categories, with different features: Technical cookies and Profiling cookies.
Technical cookies are generally necessary for the proper functioning of the website and to allow navigation; without them, the navigator may not be able to display pages correctly or to use some services. For example, a technical cookie is essential to keep the user connected during the entire visit to a website, or to store the language settings, the display, and so on. A technical cookie can be a navigation cookie, which guarantees the normal navigation and enjoyment of the website (allowing you, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate access to reserved areas). It can be an analytical cookie, assimilated to technical cookies only where used to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site. There are also feature cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for the purchase) in order to improve the service rendered.
Profiling cookies instead are designed to create user-related profiles and are normally used to send advertisements in line with preferences expressed in the context of network browsing.

Cookies can still further be classified as:
Session cookies, which are deleted immediately when the browser is closed (for example, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, etc.).
Persistent cookies, which — unlike those of session — remain within the browser for a certain period of time. They are used, for example, to recognize the device that connects to the site by facilitating user authentication operations.
First-party cookies, i.e. cookies generated and managed directly by the subject operator of the website on which the user is browsing.
Third party cookies, which are generated and managed by entities other than the operator of the website on which the user is navigating (there is in force, as a rule, a contract between the owner of the website and the third party.)

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P.IVA 03212990927

My Agile Privacy
Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici e di profilazione. Cliccando su accetta si autorizzano tutti i cookie di profilazione. Cliccando su rifiuta o la X si rifiutano tutti i cookie di profilazione. Cliccando su personalizza è possibile selezionare quali cookie di profilazione attivare.
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