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The waters of the Gods, new

Our spring waters are the same waters from the same springs that the wonderful Etruscan and Roman votive bronze statues rediscovered at San Casciano have silently guarded for countless centuries.

To let you experience all the thrills and the wisdom of the history of these thermal baths, we have created this special day spa experience.
It begins relaxing in a jacuzzi that looks out over the surrounding landscape. It continues in the steam baths, as you float weightlessly in a saltwater pool, in the warm embrace of a salt crystal bed, and in the wellness of the aroma-infused thermal mud ritual.
It is a circuit filled with sensations and emotions that uses the senses and history to connect you with a fascinating timeless world.

The package includes:

In the morning
Thermal therapeutic pool wit waterfall
Bioaquam thermal cricuit
Etruscan circuit with sauna, sea salt cave and steam room

In the afternoon

Thalaquam sea salted pool
Salidarium crystal sea salted bed
Signature ritual with aromatic thermal mud 50’


€ 240


Book Now

A day of wellbeing in the warm embrace of the thermal waters

Experience an unforgettable spa day under the Tuscan sun. Book one of our spa packages online or contact us for more information on the available options

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